SPS Virtual Wards Conference: Opportunities for Pharmacy

Event 21 September 2022Location Online via Webex

A short conference to support pharmacy services contributing to the development and delivery of virtual wards


21 September 2022


Online via Webex

About this event

The conference began with a strategic overview of virtual wards, followed by an opportunity to hear about the relevant guidance from NHS England.   A range of pharmacy leaders in the field shared their hands-on experience in developing and delivering pharmacy services to virtual wards.

Why it’s important

The successful development and delivery of virtual wards are a priority for NHS England. 

What you’ll learn

  • To define ‘virtual wards’
  • To describe the strategic direction on virtual care from NHSE
  • To identify why pharmacy is a key enabler of virtual care
  • To consider how organisations can operationalise medicines optimisation requirements for virtual wards
  • To share examples of good practice



Information presented during this webinar is correct at time of recording. Current guidance should be followed.

Additional information and guidance on virtual wards can be found on the NHS England and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society websites.


A copy of the programme can be found below.


Our guest speakers were:

Dr Shelagh O’Riordan

Consultant Community Geriatrician Kent Community Health NHSFT and
Professional Adviser to the Community Services team at NHS England

Jagjot Chahal

Former CPhO Clinical Fellow

Hospital Pharmacy & Medicines Optimisation, NHSE

Paula Wilkinson

Director of Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation
Mid and South Essex NHS

Amy Vigar

Advanced Pharmacist Virtual Ward, Leeds

Sophie McGlen,

Lead Pharmacist Ambulatory Care, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust

SPS Speakers

Sandra Wolper introduced the event and Barry Jubraj acted as MC

You can read more about Sandra and Barry below

Contact us

Please contact the Admin Team if you have any questions.

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