Using this page · Individualise medicines monitoring

This medicines monitoring page has been written using publications and expert opinion. It is designed to save clinician time, but not replace professional responsibility. When using this page you should: ensure an individualised monitoring plan is developed in partnership with the patient and take account of any locally agreed advice and guidance.

Before starting


  • Baseline
    • Full blood count
    • Liver function testsIf history suggests abnormal
    • Serum creatinine (for creatinine clearance) or Estimated glomerular filtration rateIf history suggests abnormal

Ongoing once stable

Consider if treatment longer than 6 months

  • Every 3 months
    • Full blood count
    • Liver function tests
    • Serum creatinine (for creatinine clearance) or Estimated glomerular filtration rate

Abnormal results

Respond to patient symptoms and conditions

Consider stopping treatment and contacting a specialist if any of the following develop:

  • hepatotoxicity
  • unusual pigmentation
  • systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) or lupus-like or serum sickness-like syndromes
  • hypersensitivity syndrome consisting of cutaneous reaction (such as rash or exfoliative dermatitis)
  • eosinophilia
  • hepatitis
  • pneumonitis
  • nephritis
  • myocarditis
  • pericarditis
  • fever
  • lymphadenopathy


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